Republicans Makes No Calculated Risks

The perversity of DRP (Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party) claims from Republicans bribing their members in a press conference held late afternoon yesterday. The Party said, that the Republicans who has the largest number of its members in the parliament, bribed the DRP members in the parliament.

The DRP said that they condemn the act in the strongest state (of criminal act). The spokes person of the DRP said that they had proof and evidence of Republican Attempt bribing their members with huge amount of money but when he was asked to give a little detail of the bribing he failed to present any proof.

Ibrahim Shafiu, the spokes person for the DRP said that the bounty offered to their members is not small but large to count infinite and the party’s domestic policy abides its tradition that they do not want to expose the members and the bounty.

The new flourishing and popularity gaining Republican Party said that the kind of act is not practiced in the party and would never attempt to do so. Mr. Ahmed Sameer, a member of the party said that inside the lawmakers club the Republicans proposals were accepted without creating any obstacle and except only in the horde of those who were running after the incumbent president of the republic every one is looking forward for a change. He said that what is happening here is that Maumoon is worried because of the popularity and public rendered love the Republican Party is grazing.

Mr. Sameer in a mocking tone said that if you look at the bribery up to date that you will see that the DRP is in the hit list of public accusations and when they accuse the Republicans the public would know Maumoon’s position and his level of grade. He said even though the DRP accused the Republicans it did not harm the party, instead, it is continuing its journey towards bringing the reality of hope to the Maldivians.


Anonymous said…
Gasi has no power over guys like Meem Sappe.
Anonymous said…
It is a shame that Gasim doesn't even command the loyalty of people who eat out of his hand, like the Goathi Vagu Sappey.