DRP condemns protests against Anni in Thinadhoo

DRP has strongly condemned the protests against MDP President Candidate Mohamed Nasheed (Anni) when he visited Thinadhoo the previous night.

A Press release from Maumoon’s campaign office said that all candidates should have the independent opportunity to deliver their message to the people as per the principles of democracy.

It said that some people have obstructed MDP in delivering their message. It also said that some leading the protests wore DRP t-shirts and DRP campaign songs were played on loud speakers when MDP campaign was going on. DRP campaign team says that such are very degrade acts and they condemn these acts by strong words whoever is did it. It also assured to the people that DRP campaign played no part in this.

DRP said that it has been confirmed that some of those who obstructed Anni’s campaign are the ones who obstructed when their Presidential candidate also visited the island.
