Give Someone Other Than Maumoon, a Chance

At every corner, in every neighborhood, in every community, in every island of the Maldives, the talk is about the 2008 Presidential Elections. Thirty years is a long time. Even before that, we have not known what a free and fair society is. Today, we face the opportunity to our freedom, without a hint at what it can be. It was not long ago when such talk would have been ridiculed by almost anyone. It was indoctrinated that standing against the government was a moral sin, which has turned out to be a 'basic right' today. The avalanche of changes that came in the short time span has made us wonder of what might it actually be, if Maumoon is to be defeated in this elections. If a fair and just president is to lead us in the next five years, what would that freedom be like. It is like tasting chocolate for the first time, after reading about its flavors.

We are on the edge of a blade, and can tip in any direction, either freedom or oppression. Why is it that even today, many of us fear to embrace change. We see today, at the quality and character of the other candidates who are challenging Maumoon. The fight is not between each other, but actually between us, the public, and Maumoon. Maumoon was successful to instill the fear and demoralization in us to such an extent that we cannot even beleive that anyone can lead us fairly and justly. The thought which runs in most of our minds today is that what change or good can come of electing someone else. It would be the same, or it could become worse. Many have surrendered their hopes, and neglected the whole thought of it.

It is quite true that, today we face a very difficult decision. A decision to choose amongst many candidates, and risk in a change that could and might be worse given the choices we have today. It is quite obvious that certain candidates do not have selfless motives. Then again, there are certain candidates who are in the gray area, and who are capable of bringing a better change and give us a better, free, fair, sustainable and just society than what we already have. It is quite common to find hearts filled with terror, frustration, agony and misery in our community today. We are literate and educated, most of us, but we do not act so. We are blinded and trapped in the most obvious and simple lies. We are so blinded that we cannot see beyond a simple selfish and temporary need.

The tactful and deceitful have been quite successful in the past, which creates grave concern amongst most of us who are still hoping for a better tomorrow. It is the wealth and power which had driven them from their humane duties, into extorting the poor and helpless. As it is said, when certain traits are embedded bone deep, it is hard to eradicate them. Such has become the situation of date. Today we have lost the demarcation between what is right and wrong, and see everything in shades of gray. If we lose ourselves, and vote for this tyrant once more, we would fail to differentiate between the shades too. Most who have lost their morality, and allied with Maumoon, will look back at their lives and regret the day they sold their souls for something which didn't amount to anything at all. Anyone can choose to sell their vote, or not. Who can stop it? It is inevitable that this is going to happen, and votes are going to be sold and bought, for money, for position, for power. But the hopeful and the determined will keep on fighting till the end. Because, freedom is something which is not bought back, but earned. Today after 30 years of tyranny, we have earned our freedom. Freedom to equal opportunities for all. Freedom in a lot of arenas. Today we have to lose our fear in change and risk the challenge of it, and give a chance to another to lead us.
