DRP and PA Agreement Leaked

Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) after claiming that President Gayoom’s brother and People’s Alliance (PA) leader Abdulla Yamin, stands to gain huge powers of the government, under an agreement reached between DRP Leader Gayoom and PA in violation of the constitution, has leaked a document believed to be a copy of the agreement.

At the news conference held yesterday at Dhi TV, former justice minister and key member of MDP Alliance expressed that the leaked agreement which forged the Alliance between DRP and PA is an agreement which gives wide powers to Yamin in direct violation of the constitution.

“When we look at this agreement, we can see that self interest has been given top priority, disregarding the constitution, the agreement paves the way for a lot of things which are against the constitution” Jameel said.

Speaking on the main constituents of the agreement titled “Agreement on Political Cooperation” Jameel said under the agreement PA is entitled to 25 percent of Gayoom’s cabinet, and total control over government agencies carrying economic activities. According to Jameel under the agreement, a government ministry by the name of ministry of economic and tourism development is to be formed and total control of all government economic activities is to be handed over to Yamin’s PA.

“This new ministry is to be formed by amalgamating two ministries, in addition we know, that all government companies are to be amalgamated in to a single company or a holding company and make that new company formed accountable to the new ministry to be formed by combining the present two ministries, so, in essence, the agreement provides total control of all economic activities of the country to Yamin” Dr. Jameel.

Jameel said most of the agreement is against the constitution. In particular, Jameel noted that article 6 (C) of the agreement stipulates that the president has to seek PA’s approval in making high ranking government appointments.

Jameel further said as per article 7 (A) and (E) members of the cabinet are to be appointed with the approval of PA.
“The government is to be managed by a 6 member committee comprising President Gayoom, 2 appointees of Gayoom, Abdulla Yamin and two of Yamin’s appointees, I am saying in very clear language, these things in the agreement has to informed to the public, we are talking about a plan to run the government by a six member committee, with out the consultations, advise and approval of cabinet established under the constitution” Jameel explained.

Jameel highlighted that forming a cabinet is a power granted to the president under article 106 of the constitution.

Several leaders of MDP Alliance who participated in the news conference at the Dhi TV yesterday expressed that PA was a party led a corrupt mafia like gang. The news conference in addition to Jameel was attended by former foreign minister Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, MDP interim President Ibrahim Hussain Zaki, and ADK Nashid Deputy Leader of Jumhoory Party.

When asked by a reporter how genuine the agreement is, Dr. Shaheed said the agreement 100 percent genuine. MDP Alliance had previously said vote given for DRP candidate Gayoom in the runoff elections to be held on 28 October, is a vote given to PA leader and brother Yamin and that the people must know and be aware of the fact.

Deputy Media Manager of Maumoon 2008 campaign Ali Waheed in an interview given to TVM last night said that leaked document was not genuine.
