Male',Maldives:40 percent votes for Gayoom is work of 5 parties - Opposition

Male',Maldives:Opposition parties have claimed that the 40 percent votes received by DRP presidential candidate Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was the result of campaigning carried out by an alliance of 5 parties. Opposition parties also noted that despite the backing given by Gayoom’s brother and Senior Minister Abdulla Hameed‘s Poverty Alleviating Party, bother and Tourism Minister Abdulla Yamin’s People’s Alliance (PA), Maldives Social Democratic Party (MSDP) led by Reeco Moosa Manik and People’s Party, Dhivehi Rahyithunge Party (DRP) has not publicly acknowledged their support.

Opposition parties’ claim that the 60 percent votes received to them is a clear indication of the people’s desire and wish to change the government. They also say the 60 percent vote of the people to the opposition is a clear mandate to change the government.

MDP coalition has said the support for the coalition’s presidential candidate Mohamed Nasheed (Anni) will increase considerably in the runoff election with the backing of Social Liberal Party (SLP) and parties forming the Jumhoory Coalition.

Further opposition also claims that despite few memberships in two of the parties backing DRP candidate Gayoom the government has issued election passes and observer’s permits in the same amount as other large parties. They also claim that parties of DRP candidates Gayoom’s brothers are funded by the government in millions to campaign in the atolls to seek support for Gayoom.
