The Beet good nutriment for activation of the brain and lowering pressing of the blood

Roots of the beet beet, or the beet just as become beautiful for some her naming, in addition to forms her the sharp products the botanical delicious taste and rich in the metals and the vitamins and the fibers and changes her from the nutritious elements useful, transient her engrosses today on medical interest from special kind.

Correct that the medical studies which was complete corroded today on the beet initial studies small consider, and juice of the beet used [ldwaae'] search pattern and evaluation of the impacts hangs in, except that her positive results which good evaluation in criteria of searching was complete her, blooming of the door in front of extra from the researches around the healthy impacts to taking roots of the beet.

The scientific researches face towards the studious impacts the healthy positivity for elements available [bGzaart] in the beet, they is substances [aalnytraat] nitrates the capacitance for the arteries and easy to blood pressure, [wSbGaat] [bytaalyn] red which opposite substances for the oxidization do as and lightened for operations the inflammations and activating for purification the body from the poisons.

*juice of the beet [waalnytraat]

*and with buildup of the injuries in illness of the arteries, whether in the turning or the brain or the edges or the genital members, and with spreading of the injuries in her collapses and doubled her, heart identicals the turns and the cerebral stroke and multiple [aalaantSaab] and rise pressing of the blood and changes her, the transient methods the remedial medical chemical use from the substances faces towards which expansion of the arteries and improvement flexibility her of walls and increase flow of the blood contributes in from during her.

For that rise pressing of the blood became for the expanded substances for the arteries high importance in treatment of cases, adequate lightening of pains [aaldhbHt] chest, and for the prevention without continuation blockage of the arteries in turns the heart clots, and for facilitation [aantSaab] the male member across extra flow from his the blood arterially, and for many from the purposes remedial which use of the substances is complete expanded for the arteries in her. The studies towards the searching about nutritious sources natural faced corrodes me on that expanded substances for the arteries.

In this context the brain in the blood comes the American research new around relationship of taking the beet in the changes in quantity of deliberation. He was the subject first within subjects Issue second of November (November) the situations for magazine “[naaytrk] ['aksaayd]: Biological [EEnd] [kymystry]” Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry meant in the researches scientific related in the sides vital and chemical for substances expanded oxide the nitric for the arteries.

The researchers rose from comprehensive [wyk] [fwryst] in northern state Carolina in the United States, in measure first of study proved that in possibility juice of the beet the work on increase enemy flow of the blood to the brain the persons big in the age. Weak result considers her the researchers is self of use promising in attempts struggle of development senile insanity enemy growns-up of the age.

Edifice of the doctor Daniel [shaabyrw], the main researcher in the study and manager center of application of the flags and the independent care for the old age in comprehensive [wyk] [fwryst], in the statement: “there plenty from the studies the medical high goodness which showed that drinking juice of roots of the beet for him positive efficiency in lowering of pressing the blood. To is what we in need to him he rotary evidence raved the juice in increase the deliberation and flow of the blood to the brain. That that there cerebral areas weakens her deliberation in the blood wound age of the human increased and income in stage the old age, and he what believes medical that for him connection sold him senile and multiple powers of the mental thought”.

*deliberation forelock of the brain

*and roots of the beet in upright introduction the products botanical rich in substances [aalnytraat], example wrapped and the celery [waalsbaanx] and the lettuce. While our one takes this containing products on substances [aalnytraat], transient [aalbktryaa] the friend good bacteria present in the mouth and the intestines, and secretions juice of the [hDm], all her conversion does on [aalnytraat] to substances [aalnytryt] nitrite, and absorbs her the intestines to the blood interferes to and the body spreads in. Blessing known scientific grandfathers that substances [aalnytryt] opening of the arteries in the body does on, ibex increase of flow of the blood and the oxygen from during her, especially parts of the body which [nqS] of deliberation complains from her in the blood.

What proved him this study for the first time that then positive relationship between taking of juice rich in roots of the beet substances [aalnytraat], and evident increase flow of the blood to the brain. That during period of four days from the continuation for what flow of the blood to brains of group collects in 14 person included from who age of seven year exceeded. Juice roots of the beet within meal was complete in the scientific attempt taking of some these persons the breakfast, nutritious program reconciled determining in the nature and mealtime taking during today all him. Just as daily observation for ratio of substance was complete [aalnytryt] in the blood, before and after taking of that juice or his lack of taking. In addition to measure daily photography for quantity of flow the blood to the brain, by means of the magnetic ringing MRI.

Masts of the rays proved that the person while juice roots of the beet takes, flow of the blood does not increase to “all” parts of the brain, yet flow of the blood increases only to “area of the forelock” frontal lobes in the brain. Known scientific that this cerebral area perceived on the thought and decision making, weak which progress of the age in the human perceives during, and damage in insanity causes her senile fastened me mental powers of the thought.

The researchers said in collected studious results: “this results indicates except that presence [aalnytraat] the nutriment is blessing possible that is useful in improvement the bloody deliberation for cerebral areas is blessing known her importance of role in the executive positions for the mental thought”.

*the beet and blood pressure

*and the studious researchers in introduction clarified group from [aalHythyaat] which positivity for the beets proposes possibility of presence healthy impacts. Specification said indeed “substances [aalnytryt] the extract from [aalnytraat] nutritious fixed scientific her use in lowering of pressing the stubborn blood and improvement powers of the endurance bodily performance the effort”. Was hereby taking juice of the beet indicates to medical studies precedents around impacts, and they initial studies small, and for their shelter the door opens in front of extra from the searching.

The study first, rose in her the researchers from founded “William is delirious” for the researches and from London “[skwl] for the medicine”, around role juice of the beet in lowering blood pressure. Spreading was complete her in number 4 فبراير (شباط) for year 2008 from magazine “[haaybrtnshn]” Hypertension meant in rise blood pressure which exports her “the connecting turning American”.

The British researchers spoke in her about green uses of taking [waalfwaakh] in lowering pressing of the blood. Mentioned that the previous studies is ratio that for her content the opposite wealth in the substances for the oxidization and the metals and the vitamins. To is studious their proposed also positive importance the role for substances [aalnytraat] in that nutritious products botanical. Following research in zealous student their the comparison impacts taking of juice of the beet on several readings for measurement blood pressure, what accepted and what afterwards for a period 24 hour, and to the positive impacts on lowering of pressing get lucky the blood stubborn taking of cups thereof the natural juice.

Edifice approached her Professor of imperative ['ahlaawaalyaa], the main researcher in the study, in the statement indeed “results searched indicates except that taking juice of the beet, or any nutritious products rich [baalnytraat], perhaps she good method easy and simple for the keepers on health for device the blood vessels and the heart, just as that he additional method for lightening of rise blood pressure in live our the contemporary daily newspaper”.

As for studious second, losing leased her researchers from comprehensive ['akstr] in British, and comparison impacts of taking searched in or lack taking of juice of the beet on bearing capacities stamina stubborn bodily performance the effort. Spreading was complete her in number 6 أغسطس (آب) from magazine “[EEblaayd] [fsywlwjy]” Journal of Applied Physiology meant in the researches applied to positions of the members know. The comparison on group was complete eight men included whereof their ages ranged between 19 [w]38 year. This first study considers which showed that containing juice the beet on substances [aalnytraat] lowering of the need performs to extra from the oxygen in parts of the body, of which the fast feeling lessens from in tired situation of the rising in the bodily effort.

*the beet. Rich in energy the vitamins and the metals

*the traditional medicine used healthy roots of the beet in treatment of cases numerous. The Greek doctor old advized ['abwqraaT] in taking of the beet for facilitation of convening the wounds, just as heat of the body used the old Romen this roots in lightening of fever, adequate treatment cases of the abstention. Since that time oasis today, considering roots of the beet continues sexual one of the activators, and perhaps in side from him because of containment of the beet on the expanded substances for the arteries.

Issuances ministry of the American agriculture around information of the nutrition agreed USDA Nutrient database, corrodes me quantitative 100 love from roots the fresh beet on low quantity from the energy, and thermal specifications about 43 price (calorie) only from the energy, any what energy third of banana equates.

Except that this little quantity corrodes me on assorted group from the vitamins and the metals and the nutritious elements useful. Weak:

The sugar about 6.5 love. The fibers about 3 fines. The proteins [nHw]1.5 love. The fats about 0.2 love. Daily need the body from vitamin guarantees quantity 100 love from the beet so ruler in ratio 27%, and from vitamin “[sy]” and the mined potassium and iron and the copper and vitamin in me - 6 and the magnesium and the phosphorus in ratio arrives to 7%, in addition to quantities less from the calcium and the zinc, and vitamins in me - 1 [w]2 [w]3, and changes her.

In addition to confirmation the medical studies on the healthy uses for this nutritious elements in roots the beet, so indeed her chemical substances speak about useful other for the health. Healthy specification the uses promising for substances [aalnytraat] [wSbGaat] [bytaalyn] red.

Observation of number of the matters around the beet deserves. First, that the useful substances in the beet, especially [SbGaat] the opposite substances for the oxidization from kind [bytaalyn] betalain the red easy solutions in the water, perceives sensitively tough and her ratio of stay and her efficiency warmly the cooking. For that cooking of the beet be necessary gently and without exhausting, and specification less from district of hour during the handcuffs or the cooking in the steam, ironing benefits the body from that [aalSbGaat]. This [aalSbGaat] the easy solutions in the water to ends corrodes me on element of the nitrogen, in disagreement kinds of last from [aalSbGaat] botanical and in the different colors which the situation in redness does not melt in the water just as she the beet.

As for the matter second, so he that taking of the beet already causes for some in rosy color change the urine to the color or red. Weak case acquaintance of medical smiling “beet of the urine” beeturia. Weak case other than harmful not at all, and hits in her about 15% from the obtainable beet in form daily, especially those who for de their disturbances in the iron in the body, either for de their iron of the body decreased in, or increase of accumulation iron in the body. For that from appears at him color of the urine envies in because of taking of the beet, his children is possibilities of presence disturbances in the iron, so from generous his review for the doctor ironing make sure from case iron in body his.

Just as already taking of the beet in color change causes the excrement towards color close blessing red, especially the enemy children comparative in the adult. Raved also healthy harms for him.

The matter third, he that the green parts from plant of the beet corrodes me on high quantities from oxalic substances, which perhaps causes for some in formation pebble of the colleges or the bitterness. To red roots of the beet are does not consider rich in this substance which already damages some from the people. Taking papers of the beet enables raw if child in the age was, as for big size and age so the chard is complete her cooking example in papers [waalsbaanx] and changes her from the paper bee eaters the bitter taste.
