Maldives grants full freedom to Islamic scholars, says President

President Mohamed Nasheed has claimed that no other country in the global Muslim community “grants more freedom to Islamic scholars than in the Maldives.’’

Nasheed said there was no other country in the Islamic community aside than the Maldives where Islamic scholars can say whatever they want.

“No other country in the Islamic world allows scholars to preach the way they do in the Maldives,’’ Nasheed said. “Our goal was to give scholars the freedom to deliver their good religious advice, and to give the opportunity for them to provide council freely.’’

Nasheed noted that Islam had been a way of life in the Maldives for more than 1000 years.

“There is no other country that has continued Islamic Shariah, Islamic principles and Islamic culture for such a long time, other than the Maldives,’’ said Nasheed.

Meanwhile, local media have reported opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali as alleging that the current government was intending “to wipe out Islam in the Maldives.”

Thasmeen reportedly claimed that the government had demolished the only Arab medium school in the Maldives “to build 1000 flats.”

”After pledging to built flats, this government decides to demolish the only Arabic medium school in the Maldives,” said Thasmeen. ”this proves that the current government is trying to weaken the religion of Islam which has been here for a long time.”


This blog is saying that There is no other country that has continued Islamic Shariah, Islamic principles and Islamic culture for such a long time, other than the Maldives. That is great.